Aligning Yourself With Your Higher Self
The Truth About Aligning Yourself With Your Higher Self And How To Connect With Your Higher Self

Do you always wanna to align yourself with your Higher Self but just can’t find the spiritual connection? Connecting with your Higher Self can actually be very simple but that doesn’t mean it will always be that easy. Lightworkers or Intuitive Sensitives always had a very strong pulse towards the purpose of re-aligning themselves with Source Energy and work very closely with their Higher Self. But what exactly is the Higher Self, how does it look like and how can you connect with your Higher Self?
In my next video I reveal the very simple truth about doing so. This Truth might actually sound very simple (which it is) but I can’t promise you it will always be that easy. It depends on all the things you need to let go of. So with no further ado enjoy and let me know what you got out of it.
What You Must Know First About Aligning Yourself With Your Higher Self.
You have search the internet because you are looking for a very logical and practical answer or solution on how to connect with your Higher Self, right? Well unfortunately in the field of spiritual development there are not always linear and straightforward answers and solutions. Sometimes I get questions from people where I think something like; I cannot answer that for you because you have to go through the experience and the lessons yourself.” Everything I will tell you will be based on my own perception of the world and might not appeal to you at all. However you can take various points of views from different people, feel what’s right for you and create a new perception for yourself.
So again the way I look at connecting with your Higher Self is completely based on my own experience in this life-time. This also might change in a few months when I am at a different state of my life.
How Can Connecting With Your Higher Self Look Like?
In the way I see it it can look like a very euphoric experience. It’s like you are open to receive ideas, insights and inspirations. Because to be inspired is to be in-spirit. To be inspired is also completely different then feeling motivated to do anything which I also spoke about in this post.
It’s kind of like your Spirit Team is sending you messages that completely resonate with you. It’s like a reminder of who you truly are at a deeper soul level. Now receiving messages and let them ground in this third dimensional existence becomes a whole different ball game.
When You Might NOT Be Able To Receive, Embrace and Accept Your Messages From Your Higher Self.
Our soul had a purpose or a mission before it incarnated here at planet Earth. It made like a soul agreement. The agreement is to go through your karmic memories, recognize them, accept and embrace them, learn from them, forgive yourself, others and your deeds and let them go. Doing so will bring your closer to your True Nature of Unconditional Love. This is also the way of opening the heart, raising your vibrational frequency and find your way back home. If you do not accept this because of your own free will your soul will probably re-incarnate at another third dimensional plane. Could be Earth of elsewhere and go through the same lessons of remembering over and over again.
You might not be able to receive your messages from your Higher Self because of your lower density (third dimensional) filters. Your mind will judge the ideas, visions, insight and inspirations. You judge the messages based on your own limited believes, doubts, fears, insecurities and such. That’s what I mean with the lower third dimensional filters.
Your Spirit Team is basically waiting for you to answer so they can send more of the good stuff to you. But not before you can do the following.
What Does It Really Take To Re-Align Yourself With Your Higher Self?
So now you know what is holding back for receiving a abundant flow of ideas, visions, insights and inspirations from your Higher Self. Now of course the question remains how you can actually re-align yourself with your Higher Self.
Aligning yourself with your Higher Self is all about self acceptance and letting go of all your limited believes that are not longer serving you. You receive a message of inspiration you act upon that.
In the beginning it might feel like a upward battle. You receive, take one step towards your purpose and fall 5 steps back. You take one more step and fall 4 steps back. This might go on for several months or even years. Until you take one step and you also move one step ahead. Your inspirations are now going hand in hand with your believes, skills, knowledge and actions. Eventually you start to master the game of working very closely with your spirit team, own intuition and Higher Self. Also you will create more balance and harmony within yourself.
You are now stepping into your role as a Lightworker for being a Lighthouse for the world and others. You have purified your class of water and your glass of water is now flowing over to the world. You are spreading love, light, healing, joy, hope and inspirations in a very abundant way. It now also comes back in tenfold.
Does it make sense and does it feel right what I have just shared with you? Do you have any new ideas what to do next or perhaps any questions? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Also feel free to share with anyone who is also on their path of spiritual awakening.