A Longing To Come Home
Let A New Spiritual Awakening Unfold For Remembering Your True Self.

“A Longing To Come Home”
What causes stress, anxiety and disturbance or conflict inside myself is the need for power, control, safety, security, stability, independence, recognition or financial rewards.
It disconnects me from what is real which is the present moment. Like I have to get, gain or accumulate something in my external world.
What I want is to truly work in a intuitive way and from the heart. Create and give for my own joy and satisfaction without any conditions or expectations. Create attraction and real authentic bonds with people because of my non-neediness.
All my so called desires, goals or needs are fulfilled because I have embraced and accepted myself. I have accepted my Inner Self or True Self to experience itself and express itself.
I allow to experience & express my joy, creativity & fulfillment to flourish.
I can just be. No more expectations I put on myself that is in a constant need to compete with itself or others for recognition, validation or rewards. No more pressures to perform or to accomplish something but to just be. Just be in this flow of divinity. My true power that is endless and infinite.
I can feel the gratitude and love for the excitement for being in this state of being.
I elevate my consciousness by not trying or doing but by simply shifting into feeling my own feelings and be present with them. Shift from thinking into feeling. Feel just what is. Not looking at what is not but what is. It makes me feel present. Free from worries, fears or anxieties.
I allow, embrace and accept my gifts to unfold. By experiencing and expressing them in the way that feels right to me.
I create unity and harmony within myself by just becoming present right now in this very moment. By just breathing in the infinite power that lies hidden inside myself.
I am remembering myself. My love and my joy for what is. I am remembering what it’s to be a infinite spiritual being of unconditional love & light.
See here how you can raise your vibrational frequency to Love or Above in this Love or Above Review.