How To Deal With Boredom – Find Your Passion Today!

Dealing with boredom is a common issue we have as people. Specially someone with my personality trait which is a combination of Highly Sensitive, High Sensation Seeker, and a Hyper Active Mind. In the next video I share a bit of my personal experience regarding to boredom and how to grow into your passion. Enjoy and have fun!

What else you need to know about boredom…

Boredom can cause easily depression, anxiety, low work performance, low social skills, concentration problems, discipline, persistence and consistency. People who struggle more with boredom are those who are High Sensitive because people with a Highly Sensitive Personality need more down time to recharge themselves. The more impulsive High Sensation Seekers are in a constant search for new impulses in order to feel alive. Then we have the people with Hyper Activity either outwards or inwards meaning with a hyper active mind.

So how to fight boredom?

When you experience feelings or boredom you can also start to see this as a invitation to do something you haven’t done before like learning a new skill set, or challenge yourself with something new. Also travel and adventure can be of a great benefit to lift up your spirit. Also doing things that you dislike or find boring instead of running away from it you can also write that down on top of your To-Do list. If you do the things that you dislike first you create a sense of accomplishment and feel more productive. You get more in charge of your feelings and gain more control over your life.

Bending reality with Vishen Lakhiani

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